DECEMBER 9, 2022

Advance your career by becoming a part of India’s fastest growing network of Energy Managers and Auditors.

About us

About SEEM

Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) India is the national professional body of Certified Energy Managers, Auditors and energy professionals in the country launched in 2005 and registered under the Charitable Societies Act 1955. We are a non-government/not-for-profit organization with 15 chapters and 7 centers, spread over 22 states and engaged in delivering networking and skill development opportunities to its members, by organizing training programs, workshops, etc.

Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM), works to help industries achieve the important goal of realizing energy efficiency, choosing the right service that gives the best possible outcome from energy audits, and engaging in meaningful discussions to achieve industrial energy efficiency targets. To do this, we conduct one-to-one meetings, technical sessions, focus group discussions, seminars and workshops involving industry representatives to help them understand, identify and solve hurdles that industries face in taking their energy efficiency efforts to fulfillment. To share knowledge, insights and case studies from other industries, experts and agencies from India and abroad, we also publish a quarterly print magazine energy manager. Initiating efforts in 2005 with these objectives in mind, SEEM is now a network of more than 900 professionals engaged in various capacities as industry professionals, consultants, entrepreneurs and experts in the energy sector.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where the entire spectrum of human activities exist in harmony with a clean and green earth by integrating energy efficiency and conservation of natural resources into these activities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to apply our professional knowledge and expertise, periodically enriched, to

  • Foster energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy
  • Facilitate and aid in policy level interventions to circumvent the bottlenecks for speedy implementation of energy conservation efforts

Our Objectives

Our objectives are to:

  • Disseminate information regarding energy efficiency techniques, tools, practices and processes through various media including publications, exhibitions; by facilitating and/ or organising technical digest service, technical enquiry service, documentation centre and library
  • Encourage and assist in implementation of programmes related to the objective of improvement of energy efficiency by conducting energy audits and implementing the recommendations arising thereof
  • Facilitate technical exchange by organising energy conservation / management teams in organisations and by arranging inter plant visits
  • Organise energy related training/ courses of various levels of management operatives, technicians, etc
  • Support /facilitate /organise energy related research

About Us

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