Advance your career by becoming a part of India’s fastest growing network of Energy Managers and Auditors.
Description :
2 day celebrations at New Delhi!
Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) is a National network of energy professionals in India, established in 2005 as a not-for–profit society to support and inspire the cause of energy efficiency in various sectors. SEEM network is spread across 22 Indian states with 15 chapters and 7 units, and more than 1000 members. Since its inception, SEEM has been carrying forward its objective through international, national and state level programs, publications including exclusive technical magazine energy Manager, monthly e-news letter SEEM News, and initiatives. SEEM has scheduled its 9th Edition of SEEM National Energy Management Awards Ceremony in New Delhi during September 2024. The India Energy Conclave and SEEM Awards 2023 is being held as a two days event. This event will be attended by about 400 energy professionals from across the country, representatives from large or small industries, facilities and government agencies like SDAs, DCs and other working energy professionals from various industries and policy bodies.
Exclusive Opportunity for partners for a grand coverage during SEEM AWARDS 2023
Salient offerings:
- Co branding of IEC & SEEM Award.
- Part of Inaugural Session.
- Logo on backdrop of the conference.
- Logo on welcome panel.
- Logo branding on the Podium.
- Logo branding at the venue
- Speaking slot in any one session. (20 min.)
- Exhibition space at venue.
- Logo branding on conference website
- Logo branding on social networking sites
Additional Benefits
- 5 Delegate Passes.
- Attendee Database.
- Exclusive Standee.
- Promo materials inside the delegate kit.
- Ad on newsletter that reaches 50k+ emails (2024-25) (12 months).
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘energy manager’ 2024-25. (4 Full page ads)
- Special interview coverage with CEO in ‘Energy Manager’ magazine or Website
- Free advertorial coverage in one issue of ‘energy manager’.
- 30 Sec Video streaming
- 60 Sec Video streaming
- Exclusive Product display at a prominent position
- Writing pad with sponsors name or logo
- Pen with sponsors name or logo
- Metallic water bottle with sponsors name or logo at head table
Salient offerings:
- Co branding of IEC & SEEM Award.
- Logo on backdrop of the conference.
- Logo on welcome panel.
- Logo branding at the venue.
- Speaking slot in any one session. (15 min).
- Exhibition space at the venue.
- Logo branding on the conference website.
- Logo branding on social networking sites
Additional Benefits
- 3 Delegate Passes.
- Attendee Database.
- Exclusive Standee.
- Promo materials inside delegate kit.
- Ad on newsletter that reaches 50k+ emails (2024-25) (12 months)
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘Energy Manager’ 2024-25. (4 Full page ads)
- Special interview coverage with CEO in ‘Energy Manager’ magazine / Website
- 30 Sec Video streaming
- Exclusive Product display at a prominent position
- Writing pad with sponsors name or logo
- Pen with sponsors name or logo
Salient offerings:
- Logo on backdrop of the conference.
- Logo on welcome panel.
- Logo branding at the venue.
- Speaking slot in any one session.
- Exhibition space at the venue.
- Logo branding on the conference website
- Logo branding on social networking sites
Additional Benefits
- 2 Delegate Passes.
- Attendee Database.
- Exclusive Standee.
- Promo materials inside delegate kit.
- Ad on newsletter that reaches 50k+ emails (2024-25). (6 months)
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘energy manager’ 2024-25
- (2 half page ads)
- 30 Sec Video streaming
Salient offerings:
- Logo on backdrop of the conference.
- Logo on welcome panel.
- Logo branding at venue.
- Speaking slot in any one session. (10 min)
- Exhibition space at venue.
- Logo branding on the conference website
- Logo branding on social networking sites
Additional Benefits
- 2 Delegate Passes.
- Attendee Database.
- Promo materials inside the delegate kit.
- Ad on newsletter that reaches 50k+ emails (2024-25). (6 month)
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘energy manager’ 2024-25. (2 half page)
Salient offerings:
- Exhibition space at venue.
- Logo branding on the conference website
- Logo branding on social networking sites
- 2 Delegate Passes.
- Attendee Database.
- Promo materials inside the delegate kit.
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘energy manager’ 2024-25. (Ad with 50% discount)
Salient offerings:
- 2 Delegate Passes
- Attendee Database.
- Promo materials inside the delegate kit.
- Ad on quarterly magazine ‘energy manager’ 2024-25. (Ad with 40% discount)
Salient offerings:
- Special interview coverage with CEO in ‘energy manager’ magazine / Website
- Free advertorial coverage in one issue of ‘energy manager’.
- 30 Sec Video streaming